Sponsor of NetSapiens User Group Meeting

TimelyBill announces plan for full provisioning integration with NetSapiens platform

San Diego, California

Bill Perfect, developer of the award-winning TimelyBill OSS, completed a successful exhibition at the 2016 NetSapiens User Group Meeting in San Diego, CA. This was TimelyBill's debut as a sponsor of the spring event. The NetSapiens UGM is an annual event that brings the NetSapiens platform community together for networking and training.

During the NetSapiens billing panel discussion, CEO Michael Lates showcased TimelyBill's new real-time quoting capabilities.  Attendees were excited to learn about TimelyBill's plan for full billing and provisioning integration with the NetSapiens switch via REST APIs.

We're also Silver sponsors of this year's NetSapiens UGM!

NetSapiens Billing / Provisioning Panel Discussion
TimelyBill CEO, Michael Lates, participates in NetSapiens billing panel discussion.