TimelyBill Implementation Process

Our onboarding process consists of 8 phases.

As the saying goes, "We eat our own dog food," meaning we use the TimelyBill workflow tool we developed to manage our implementations' various steps and phases. This includes automated email notifications, PLUS a dynamic project tracker visible to all stakeholders throughout the onboarding process.

Phase 1

Phase 1 – Administrative

The initial phase is administrative. Key milestones in this first phase:

  • Update Billing Contacts
  • Update Implementation Team Members
  • Confirm Distribution Email Test

Phase 2

Phase 2 – Project Kickoff

The second phase is also administrative. Key milestones in phase 2:

  • Finance Release
  • Project Kickoff Meeting
  • Pre-Install Questionnaire Completed

Phase 3

Phase 3 – Data Collection

During this phase, you will be responsible for collecting and sharing your billing related data with us:

Our key milestones in this phase:

  • Review Usage Data
  • Review Logo/Portal URL

Phase 4

Phase 4 – System Configuration

This phase is all about our system configuration. Key milestones in this phase as we set-up and prepare your instance of TimelyBill:

  • Build SQL Servers
  • Build Application Sites
  • Build Customer Portals
  • Build Site to Site VPN (if needed)

Phase 5

Phase 5 – Data Conversion

This phase entails importing and converting your data into TimelyBill. Key milestones in phase 5:

  • Build Usage importer(s)
  • Customer Data + Locations/Contacts
  • Service Data
  • Product Catalog Data
  • Number Inventory Data
  • Account Note Data
  • Partner Data
  • Invoice History Data
  • Payment History Data
  • Adjustment History Data
  • Build 3rd party APIs

During this phase, you will be responsible for:

  • Review of Usage Imports

Phase 6

Phase 6 – Admin Turnover & User Training

The phase is dedicated to data verification, admin turnover and user training. Key milestones in phase 6:

  • System Admin Training
  • Customer Self-Paced Training
  • Instructor Led Training
  • Invoice Generation Rules
  • Initial Sample Invoices

Phase 7

Phase 7 – Final Conversion

This phase is applicable IF a final conversion of you data is necessary. Key milestones in phase 7:

  • Perform Final Data Conversion

Phase 8

Phase 8 – Go Live!

This is the FINAL phase of your TimelyBill implementation. Key milestones in this last phase:

  • Launch Your Instance to a Live Production Environment

All customers have on-demand video training available to their organization. We also make web-based training available as an option if the videos are not sufficient.

Thank you for considering TimelyBill as your back office solution.

The Happy Path

TimelyBill can be used to bill for any product or service, so each implementation is slightly different. This list gives you a logical flow of the 8 different phases of an “ideal” implementation process.

TimelyBill Happy Path Implementation