TimelyBill Introduces an Integrated Quoting Component

Our new tool provides telecommunications companies the ability to generate quotes from inside any customer account

November 13, 2014

TimelyBill is proud to announce a new quoting component. TimelyBill’s CEO Michael Lates says, "The quoting feature is directly integrated with TimelyBill’s product catalog and customer account data. This tight integration with other TimelyBill components allows users to quickly select products and assign different location or invoice groups to quoted items. It can also override the rates and descriptions of individual line items."

Similar to other TimelyBill systems, Quoting consumes configurable profiles, allowing you to store different treatment and templates. These quoting templates can be applied to various types of customers or services. TimelyBill Quote PDFs are created with the simple click of a button. A file history log of PDFs is maintained for a particular quote.

Pulling directly from our product catalog, TimelyBill users can create custom quotes and email them out for DocuSign signature.

Our quoting module also supports advanced features, such as tax calculation directly inside each quote. When a customer accepts a quote, simple services can trigger the automatic creation of services and invoice generation. Like all TimelyBill features, our quote tool supports permission based access and full audit logging.

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New Quote Screen

TimelyBill's new integrated quoting component
TimelyBill's new integrated quoting component