Workflow Automation

Integrated workflow design and orchestration tool

As an extensible billing platform, TimelyBill allows telecommunications companies to create no-code workflow maps to help automate business processes.

TimelyBill's workflow management component automates the initiation and tracking of complex workflow packages. Our low-code visual editor, with reusable actions, enables users to drag and drop workflow steps for rapid development. Users can build workflow diagrams that trigger automatically and include manual and automated steps via our provisioning system.

Queue workers responsible for each task are automatically notified via email, informing them of the task required. Upon completing the workflow package, the system can automatically change the provision and billing status of the related services. This helps eliminate the possibility of revenue leakage.

Workflow automation capabilities

  • Low-code application
  • Definable workflow packages and items
  • Visual drag and drop design tool [+]
  • Automatic notification and routing
  • Variable replacement
  • Manual or automated steps
  • Support for workflow branches
  • Dynamic custom file generation
  • Actions based on database, email and REST
  • User-based triggers include saving notes, orders, quotes and tickets
  • Update billing and/or provisioning status of services on completion

Workflow task automation can make your billing process more efficient and accurate by reducing repetitive manual processes. This can significantly impact your bottom line by freeing up personnel and speeding up invoice generation.

Customers can leverage TimelyBill to create 3 levels of workflows, from manual processing orders to fully automated provisioning:

  1. Basic Workflows - Workflow tasks are completed by users.
  2. Intermediate Workflows - Workflow tasks are completed by users and automated REST Actions.
  3. Advanced Workflows - Fully automated provisioning with no user intervention.

TimelyBill is an ideal platform for building telecom order provisioning and activation workflows!

Download Product Slick: TimelyBill Workflow Management (PDF)